luni, decembrie 31, 2007

Deci suntem si noi primii la ceva


Evidence of the inhalation of cannabis smoke can be found as far back as the Neolithic age, as indicated by charred cannabis seeds found in a ritual brazier at an ancient burial site in present day Romania.[4]

Mai multe detalii aici

Home sweet home!

Ei bine, asa arata biroul meu in ajun de revelion. Stiu, ar trebui sa fie mai multa ordine, sa spal farfuria aia si sa duc sticlele de bere la gunoi. Ei bine...cum stau sigur, sunt sigur ca deranjul nu deranjeaza pe nimeni :))

duminică, decembrie 30, 2007

10 zile

Sau poate 12, oricum, sirul acesta a fost intrerupt azi. Azi am ramas acasa, n-am mai iesit. Totul a inceput atunci cand mi-am deschis o sticla de Kasteel si am cotrobait prin frigider, ca sa gasesc resturile de fromage de acum 2 zile. Le-am mancat cu pofta, si mi-am mai facut un platou de fromage dupa care am desfacut un Piraat :).
O noapte doar pentru mine, eu si cu mine, porcul si majoreta.

Noapte buna!

sâmbătă, decembrie 29, 2007

Putem oricand fi copii!

Un video minunat de la Sigur Ros. Daca esti curios, o sa gasesti mai multe clipuri pe youtube, toate foarte reusite.

Am gasit si versurile in engleza, pentru ca versurile originale sunt in islandeza,

spinning in circles
holding hands
the world is a blur
except when you're standing

dripping wet
completly soaked
no rubberboots
running inside of us
wants to burst out of the shell

wind in
and the smell of your hair
i hit as hard as i can
with my nose
jumping into a puddle
wearing no boots
completely soaked (dripping wet)
wearing no boots

and i get a nosebleed
but i'll always stand up again

and i get a nosebleed
but i'll always stand up again

joi, decembrie 27, 2007

O melodie draguta

Va las pe voi sa o descoperiti daca va plac versurile cu care incepe:

They say it fades if you let it,
love was made to forget it.
I carved your name across my eyelids,
you pray for rain I pray for blindness.

Trebuie sa gugaliti daca vreti sa aflati cine canta, cum e melodie, etc. In alta ordine de idei, daca voi avea chef si timp, poate va voi povesti cum a fost la concertul lui Bruce Springsteen - Palais Omisport de Paris Bercy.

joi, decembrie 06, 2007

I just wanna say...

Thank you mom! For everything...

luni, decembrie 03, 2007


Azi mi-am convins un coleg sa-i cumpere flori iubitei lui :)). A venit la mine la birou si a vazut mai multe plicuri cu timbru. M-a intrebat daca vin deja cu timbru, de unde le-am cumparat si cui i le-am trimis. I-am explicat laconic, si l-am indemnat sa-i fac o surpriza prietenei lui (pe care o cunoscusem si eu la munte acum 2 saptamani). Surpriza ar fi cu totul geniala, pentru ca Andreea nu s-ar astepta la asta iar Vlad nu are un motiv anume pt a-i faca surpriza, pe langa faptul ca probabil o iubeste.
L-am luat pe msn si l-am intrebat daca Andreea lucreaza, am aflat ca nu, ca se duce doar la facultate, asa ca i-am spus sa-i comande un buchet de flori de pe net si sa i-l trimita cu un mesaj personalizat, cand va fi ea acasa. I-am dat si site-ul de comenzi online iar omul s-a pus pe treaba.
As fi putut sa-i dau mai multe idei, insa nu prea aveam chef sa-mi dezvalui partea soft.

Sentimentul de a influenta oamenii sa faca lucruri frumoase este minunat. Cred ca as juca bine rolul lui Eros, numai ca nu stiu sa trag cu arcul si ar trebui ca cineva sa ma invete, chiar daca la inceput as fi stangaci.
M-as achita cu brio de sarcini, sunt convins de asta. Pacat ca pe ejobs nu se gasesc pozitii d'acestea.

Caut 2 carti

Sunt niste carti din care am citit cateva fragmente ce mi-au placut acum un an si ceva pe blogul lui Mishu.
Le reproduc mai jos, poate stie cineva de unde as putea face rost de aceste carti (in afara de sau BCU :) :

"Modern civilization uses all means to help develop the individuals' personality, only to do everything in its power to crush it afterwards. It distributes to every one of us a few square meters and tells us we are free to do whatever we wish in that particular space. Simultaneously, it raises barriers around us and threatens us with all sorts of terrifying consequences should we dare trespass them. It is therefore natural that one who is free in that place given to them to desire freedom outside these borders as well. The pitiful who defer to civilization are constantly crashed against the walls of their captivity, [...] although they have been tossed in a cage meant to preserve universal peace. But such peace is not genuine." [Natsume Soseki - Kusamakura, 1915]

"It is a constantly recurring concept in Itō Sei's works that at the root of the cultural difference between the West and East lies this contrast in their respective attitudes towards the self, which has subsequently produced different modes of thought and intellectual postures: People who are strongly aware of their own ego as well as the egoism of others, cooperate in a social contract whereby they voluntarily suppress it. Religion and democratic politics fulfill this function. A society where such a contract has been created operates smoothly. People who are not strongly aware of their ego cannot adapt their mutual relationships accordingly, and that is why they accept the fact of organization being imposed on them by an outside authority. In this situation an absolutist feudal system retains its power over a long period… In the first type of society, the human conflict rises in the heart of the restrained individual. Those aware of the conflict are led to mental destruction. In the second type of society such men abandon society and politics, and become social recluses; and here only one step separates them from suicide. The fact that in modern Europe there are many writers who have gone insane, and in Japan many who have committed suicide seems to be a manifestation of this tendency." [Irena Powell – Writers and Society in Modern Japan, 1983]